How to Maximize the Life of Your Appliances
How to Maximize the Life of Your Appliances
Appliances are an expensive investment, and when you make a purchase, you expect your appliances to serve you for many years to come. At Jim and Dave’s Appliance, we know how frustrating it can be when your appliances start acting up. So how can you maximize the life of your appliances? We’re breaking it down below, so keep reading to learn more.

Keep Your Appliances Clean
Whether it’s defrosting your freezer or replacing the water filter in your refrigerator, one of the best things you can do for any appliance is to care for it regularly. Keeping things clean often goes a long way, and performing the tasks below can keep appliances functioning properly.

Prioritize These Tasks
Clean lint trap from dryer regularly
Remove grease from microwave filter
Clean burners on stove
Wipe down the top of your refrigerator
Clean your coffee maker
Defrost your freezer
Check dishwasher filter

Use the Right Products for Each Appliance
From using manufacturer-recommended soap in your dishwasher to cleaning your oven the way your user manual suggests, it’s important to care for each appliance in your kitchen properly.
Bonus tip: Every manufacturer recommends something slightly different, so if you’ve lost your instruction manual, our tip is to search for the make and model number of your appliance to find it online.

Enlist the Help of an Appliance Repair Service
One of the most overlooked elements of keeping your appliances running smoothly is to have them checked out from time to time. At Jim and Dave’s, we strive to offer the best appliance repair in Northern Colorado, so get in touch any time to get the help you need!
Contact Us Today
Have a question about appliance repair? Need to schedule service? We’d love to hear from you, so contact our team of experts today. We look forward to hearing from you!